Motherhood .. the fourth trimester.
Matrescence | the physical, emotional, hormonal, and social transition to becoming a mother .
Today, I want to talk a little bit about motherhood. The term matrescence was introduced to me by a fellow colleague and I loved it. Entering the realm of motherhood is … huge. As a mom of two wonderfully spirited tiny souls, I can tell you just how huge of a transition that really is. I truly don’t think anyone or anything can fully prepare you for such a transition. As you enter motherhood, after carrying and growing a human, you are now responsible for a whole person as well as healing and growing in your new role as mother.
Such a transition can be wonderful and magical (these are the words that are often discussed) but not always. Sometimes, even though people don’t always talk about this, it can be a really bumpy transition (or perhaps even feel like a train wreck), it can be really lonely, incredibly hard, and you may even feel like you loose bits of yourself. You are faced with getting to know your new baby while also getting to know yourself again. All of the emotional, physical, and hormonal changes can really throw you off kilter.
Maybe you have support and maybe that support isn’t quite the support you need. Perhaps you are hearing unwanted opinions and sayings like “soak it all in! It goes too fast” thrown your way as your in the heat of postpartum healing. When a new baby comes earth-side, people love to visit - the baby. At times the mother is forgotten, and to me that doesn’t seem okay. Of course everyone wants to meet the new baby - I mean who doesn’t love newborn snuggles? BUT, this may not be what the mother needs and it’s important to acknowledge those needs first rather than run in and steal the newborn for some snuggles while the mother is forgotten.
When it comes to child rearing - EVERYONE HAS AN OPINION. It can be quite overwhelming to know to trust your own mothering instincts and know that only YOU are the best for your child. It’s important to quiet the voices around you and acknowledge your own needs and your baby’s needs. It is through this and listening to your instincts that you can find yourself and grow into your new role of mother.
In my practice I hope to offer a safe and creative space to allow you to have the time that you need to process this huge shift, to acknowledge all that has changed, and to find yourself again. Art can be a magical tool and I am so honoured to potentially provide that for you.
If you have questions, I would love to chat. Art and mothering are two of my passions and combining them creates magic.